Oral Surgery & Extractions in Atlanta

Experienced, competent surgery and minimally invasive extractions

Dr. Padolsky has been performing oral surgery for many, many years. He is a highly skilled and competent dentist and you can trust that he will keep you comfortable throughout your procedure.

Gentle tooth extractions

Dr. Padolsky will make every effort to save your tooth, however, there are conditions where a tooth extraction may be necessary, including if a tooth needs to be extracted in preparation for placing a dental implant. Dr. Padolsky is very skilled at performing oral surgery, and his methods for removing teeth are gentle and minimally invasive. With his advanced oral surgery techniques, he can quickly extract teeth with little or no discomfort and no damage to the surrounding teeth and tissues.

Before removing your tooth, Dr. Padolsky will completely numb your mouth, making the injections as comfortable and painless as possible. Once the tooth and gum is completely numb, he will gently and quickly extract your tooth. When the tooth extraction procedure is finished, sutures (stitches) will be placed so your gum heals properly.

Wisdom teeth extractions

Oral Surgery & ExtractionsYour last set of molars will typically emerge during your late teens or early twenties. These are your wisdom teeth. If these teeth do not fully erupt into the mouth because of blockage from other teeth, we call them “impacted.” Impacted wisdom teeth may cause infection or damage to other teeth and bone.

Dr. Padolsky performs oral surgery by extracting wisdom teeth one side at a time so patients will still have one side of their mouth to chew with while the other side recovers. Because of Dr. Padolsky’s minimally invasive extraction techniques, many of his patients don’t need to take pain medication afterwards.

Apicoectomy surgery to salvage a root canal gone bad

An apicoectomy, or root end surgery, is a procedure in which the root tip of a tooth is removed and then a filling is prepared to seal the end of the tooth root. This surgery is needed when a conventional root canal therapy fails and a re-treatment is unsuccessful or is not advised.

Sometimes a patient may get a re-infection of a root canal therapy done in the past, or there may have been additional canals in the tooth that were missed or not adequately treated. Sometimes doing a second root canal procedure on the infected tooth may solve the problem. However, if Dr. Padolsky determines that performing a second root canal procedure will not clear up the infection, he will perform an apicoectomy.

Dr. Padolsky will remove any infected tissue along with the last few millimeters of the tooth root tip. Then, three to four millimeters of the tooth’s canal is cleaned and sealed. The cleaning is done with an ultrasonic instrument under a dental microscope. The use of a dental microscope allows Dr. Padolsky to see every detail clearly and greatly enhances the success rate of the procedure.

Many patients say that recovery from this procedure is often easier than recovery from the original root canal treatment they had.

Replacing a knocked-out tooth

Dr. Padolsky also sees trauma cases as part of his emergency dental services. He always sees emergency patients on the same day. If a tooth has been knocked out he will attempt to put it back in place. With proper emergency action, a tooth that has been knocked out of its socket can be successfully replanted.

If a tooth is knocked out, it should be gently rinsed with water and then placed back in the empty tooth socket if possible. If that is not possible, then it should be stored in milk or in the mouth, between the gum and cheek. You can also use a product such as Save-a-Tooth®.

Click here for guidelines on how to handle dental emergencies.

To make an appointment, call 404-874-7428 or click here to request an appointment online.