Gum Disease Treatment in Atlanta

Effective treatment for gingivitis and mild to severe gum disease

Gum Disease treatmentGum disease treatment is one of the many services we offer here at the Atlanta Dental Group. Gum disease occurs when hardened bacteria in the form of calculus, or tartar, builds up around the roots of the teeth, causing the gums to detach from the teeth. This allows more bacteria to accumulate in the pockets that have been formed.

The early stages of gum disease is called gingivitis. Regular professional cleanings with our skilled and gentle hygienist and good personal oral hygiene habits are necessary to prevent gum disease.

As the gum disease progresses further, the inflammation caused by the bacteria leads to the destruction of the surrounding bone and ligaments, and eventual tooth loss.

We provide effective treatment for gum disease, from mild to severe.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Bleeding gums
  • Buildup of plaque and tartar above and below the gum line
  • Deep pockets that have grown between your teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth

How we treat Gum Disease

ultrasonic scalers

Ultrasonic scalers use sound waves to gently loosen plaque and calculus from the roots of the teeth.

Gum disease can be effectively treated with a thorough deep cleaning. We use ultrasonic scalers to loosen the calculus (tartar) and fine hand instruments to remove the remaining calculus and to polish the root surface.

Deep cleaning is also known as scaling and root planing. In scaling, our hygienist removes plaque (a sticky film of bacteria) and calculus, which is hardened plaque. Scaling is done to remove build-up from below the gum line. Root planing is done to smooth any rough areas and remove any residual calculus. Smoothing the surface of the tooth root encourages the gums to reattach to the root and discourages plaque build-up.

Arestin antibiotic therapy

gum diseaseTo destroy any remaining bacteria, we use Arestin, an antibiotic which is placed below your gum line. The antibiotic is released over time and will continue to kill any remaining bacteria.

Flap surgery

If scaling and root planing treatments are not effective enough to treat your infected gums, then Dr. Padolsky will perform flap surgery. During this procedure, the gums are lifted back and the tartar and infection is removed with a high-tech laser. The gum tissue is then placed back so it fits snuggly around the tooth. This procedure reduces the chance of bacteria growing in those areas again.

Gum grafting

Dr. Padolsky may determine that gum grafting may be necessary to cover the exposed roots of your tooth if enough gum recession has occurred due to gum disease. He will take donor gum tissue from the roof of your mouth (palate) to cover or graft over the tooth with the exposed root. This will result in reduced sensitivity and protect the tooth from decay.

All of these treatments can restore your gums to a healthy condition and ultimately save your teeth.

Emergency Treatment for Your Gums

Severe gum pain and infection can also be treated as part of the emergency dental services we provide. A dental abscess occurs when infection has caused pus to build-up in and around the soft tissues of the gum around the tooth, causing painful swelling. Contact Dr. Padolsky immediately if you are experiencing this. You should rinse your mouth with a mild saline solution of a half teaspoon of salt in an 8 ounce glass of water several times a day until you receive treatment.

Dr. Padolsky has been handling dental emergencies throughout his entire career as a dentist. He always sees emergency patients on the same day. He and his caring, knowledgeable staff are well-equipped to handle any dental emergency you may have. They are here for you!

To make an appointment, call 404-874-7428 or click here to request an appointment online.